Surgical and conservative methods for the treatment of osteochondrosis.

Many patients ask the question: "is it possible to completely cure osteochondrosis? ". In fact, this is almost impossible if the disease has reached a serious stage. With this diagnosis, the intervertebral disc gradually begins to deform and can no longer withstand the load, eventually completely collapsing, where the only way out is prosthetics. Therefore, the treatment of osteochondrosis depends on the degree of the disease, at the initial stage of which a person can still be saved. So how is the treatment of osteochondrosis? We will talk about this.

Characteristics of the disease.

To understand what osteochondrosis is and how to treat it, you must first understand what the spine itself is. This is the base of the skeleton, where all the vertebrae are interconnected, but remain mobile due to the presence of intervertebral discs. If osteochondrosis is not treated, they gradually begin to break down, which leads to friction between the bones, limited mobility and disability. To find out if it is possible to cure osteochondrosis, you must first neutralize the causes of the diagnosis.

To date, the causes of the appearance have not been precisely identified, but experts note that the disease can begin and progress:

  • injury;
  • hereditary factor;
  • curvature of the spine, foot and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • obesity, which increases the load on the spine;
  • years;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • professional sports without due attention to safety;
  • psychological factor, stress and nerves.

To start effective treatment, it is imperative to neutralize the causes. Start leading a healthy lifestyle and try to get rid of excess weight by strengthening your spinal muscles with the help of back exercises.

neck pain with osteochondrosis

disease symptoms

In the treatment of the disease, first of all, a complete examination is carried out, they are sent for an X-ray and an MRI in order to accurately find out the state of the spine. After all, the symptoms and treatment of the disease may be different depending on the stage of diagnosis:

  1. In the first stage, there are usually no symptoms. There may be slight discomfort during movement. The intervertebral disc is slightly displaced to the sides.
  2. Osteochondrosis of the second degree is already being notified to the patient in the form of back pain. Disc protrusion begins. In addition to pain, the patient constantly experiences fatigue. For treatment, conservative methods are sufficient.
  3. The third degree is a disc rupture. This process is already considered irreversible and it is impossible to completely cure the disease. There is often a hernia. The deformed disc presses on the nerves and blood vessels which, depending on the location, can cause headaches, discomfort in the extremities, and internal organs also suffer.
  4. In the last stage, the intervertebral disc has already been destroyed, and the destruction of blood vessels and the spinal cord continues. The patient is assigned a disability, there is a severe limitation in movement.
damage to the intervertebral disc in osteochondrosis

How is the treatment carried out?

Many do not even know which doctor treats osteochondrosis of the spine and determines the effective methods for each specific case. This is a vertebrologist who studies the spine and the musculoskeletal system as a whole in detail, deals with all the diagnoses associated with it. Now everyone knows who treats osteochondrosis. In addition, this specialist correctly selects the treatment and highlights the possible contraindications for the diagnosis of osteochondrosis:

  • This is mainly the use of certain foods, especially if you are overweight. Diets must be strictly adhered to. Therefore, if you want to know how to get rid of osteochondrosis, proper nutrition is your best medicine.
  • The second point is the load. It is not necessary to ensure complete rest in the initial stages. However, in order to determine how to cure osteochondrosis, it is necessary to identify its stage and prescribe specific exercises. Professional sports are a clear contraindication.

After patients have decided which doctor to contact for osteochondrosis, they should visit this specialist as soon as possible. After a thorough examination, he prescribes treatment: conservative methods or surgical intervention.

examination of a patient with osteochondrosis

Conservative methods

There are many options for what to do with osteochondrosis. Modern techniques include various back procedures, surgeries, and medications. Depending on the duration of the disease and the symptoms present, help for osteochondrosis is selected. In the first two stages, conservative treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine, which includes:

  • Medicines, it can be tablets, injections or droppers for osteochondrosis.
  • Physiotherapy courses. In particular, the Bernard currents.
  • Strict adherence to the diet.
  • Some physical therapy.

The composition of the dropper includes anti-inflammatory analgesics. They also take muscle relaxants, which relax the muscles and help them cope with overexertion. Also, be sure to include chondroprotectors that can stop the destruction of cartilage tissue. Courses of these drugs provide effective treatment for osteochondrosis of the back. Help begins with the elimination of pain, and only after the elimination of the acute syndrome do they begin the main treatment.

dropper for osteochondrosis

The second point that needs to be clarified in order to know how to treat osteochondrosis of the back is the causes of the appearance of the disease. It is important to neutralize them by starting to lead a healthy lifestyle (proper nutrition, diet), choosing vitamins for the general strengthening of the body. Physiotherapy also helps tissues recover faster, promotes normal circulation and healing. It works very well together with physical therapy exercises, which strengthen the muscles of the back. Most often, Bernard currents are used, which give excellent results.

Unfortunately, conservative advice on the treatment of osteochondrosis helps only in the first two stages of the disease.


Surgery helps to deal with any serious diagnosis. Even in the event that one vertebra has grown into another, the disc has been severely deformed or herniated. Modern medical expertise and the latest technology help heal even the most difficult situations. For the treatment of osteochondrosis, two types of operations are used:

  • Hernia removal. This is a fairly simple intervention. An incision of no more than one centimeter is made. The patient can already move independently on the second day and recovers quickly.
  • Surgical treatment of osteochondrosis of the last stage consists only in the complete removal of the intervertebral disc. In its place, a new special prosthesis is installed, which provides separation and cushioning of the vertebrae.
surgical treatment of osteochondrosis

Patients should not be afraid of this technique. It is thanks to the operation that flexibility and mobility of the spine are often restored. Modern silicone prostheses easily cope with loads on the musculoskeletal system. This is a relatively new technique in the treatment of osteochondrosis, but it has practically no contraindications and does not have a long recovery period.

complex treatment

Comprehensive treatment of osteochondrosis includes several procedures at once. Some of them are carried out in the hospital, while others must be carried out responsibly by the patient himself. The course of treatment in a hospital on a one-day stay includes Bernard's currents. A special apparatus of diadynamic currents is ideal for deciding how to beat osteochondrosis. This procedure is completely safe and has practically no contraindications.

The treatment regimen is applied when the acute stage passes. Therefore, the best method of physical therapy in this situation is the Bernard currents. In addition, you can apply massage. An obligatory part of the treatment of osteochondrosis at home is physiotherapy exercises. He studies various exercises under the guidance of a doctor, and then regularly repeats them at home on his own.

An important part of solving the problem of how to treat osteochondrosis is self-treatment at home. Here, in addition to exercise therapy, you can resort to traditional medicine, but again - under the supervision of a doctor. Consider several recipes of folk remedies that can be used as ointments:

  1. A tablespoon of flour, half a packet of butter, an egg and a tablespoon of vinegar should be mixed until smooth, and then infused in a warm place. After that, you can rub the mixture on the affected area of the back.
  2. Honey, radish juice and vodka are mixed with each other in proportions of 1: 1. 5: 0. 1, the application is similar.
  3. The last recipe is quite spring: a glass of lilac flowers is infused with half a liter of vodka for 10 days, and then an excellent rubbing mixture is obtained.
lilac tincture for osteochondrosis

How to treat osteochondrosis of the spine outside the home? The fight against the disease can be much more effective if you go on vacation for a spa treatment. Therefore, it can not only heal your back, but also restore the body after a long illness.

Rehabilitation and prevention

Rehabilitation is a set of measures after which a person who has overcome osteochondrosis can return to a normal and full life. Older people can regain mobility only with the help of long-term rehabilitation procedures. The attending physician carefully selects a complex, in which there should be exercises, a certain daily routine, a specific nutrition system. Rehabilitation of osteochondrosis of the spine includes ongoing treatment, as well as methods of preventing the disease.

The first symptom of the disease is pain. Therefore, in the event that there is the slightest discomfort in the back or there is a hereditary predisposition, it is necessary to pay sufficient attention to prevention. If you are overweight and have other possible causes for the diagnosis, the situation is the same.

gymnastics for osteochondrosis

To prevent the onset of the disease, it is necessary:

  • maintain correct posture;
  • engage in special exercises to strengthen the back;
  • monitor nutrition;
  • avoid obesity;
  • get a corset if there is a curve in the back

In the treatment of osteochondrosis, all these measures together will help keep the back healthy and strong at any age. Take care of the spine, because it is the basis of the entire musculoskeletal system.